

Single-cell sequencing of the mammalian heart time to dive deeper

Bas Molenaar, and Eva van Rooij

Published: 01/01/2018

Recent developments in RNA sequencing are now allowing us to study genome-wide gene expression differences in individual cells. Although still relatively in early days, knowledge obtained by single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA seq) has already significantly improved our understanding in biology and disease and will undoubtedly continue to do so. However, as is true for many new technologies, scRNA seq still comes with limitations that confine the insights that can be gained from the acquired data. Both biology and current methodology impact the outcomes and restrict us in getting a complete and true view on genome-wide gene expression changes occurring at a single-cell level. Although further improvements will surely resolve at least a part of these limitations, as yet, we should be mindful of how to appropriately mine the data to advance our knowledge of molecular mechanisms relevant for biology.

Full Access Link: Circulation Research