A Versatile Protocol for Studying Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in a Rabbit Model
Published: 01/04/2019
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are frequent, as >200,000 injuries occur in the United States alone each year. Owing to the risks for associated meniscus and cartilage damage, ACL injuries are a significant source of both orthopedic care and research. Given the extended recovery course after ACL injury, which often lasts 1–2 years, and is associated with limited participation in sports and activities of daily living for patients, there is a critical need for the evolution of new and improved methods for ACL repair. Subsequently, animal models of ACL reconstruction (ACLR) play a key role in the development and initial trialing of novel ACL interventions. This article provides a clear operative description and associated illustrations for a validated, institutional animal care and use committee, and veterinarian approved and facile model of ACLR to serve researchers investigating ACLR.
Full Access Link: Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods