
MDR Young Talent Incentives Program (Assistant / Associate professors)

This call is now closed.

Senior MDR Young Talent Program

Eligibility: Assistant -Associate Professor or equivalent working at an MDR-affiliated institution. These institutions are: University of Utrecht (UU), University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU), Hubrecht Institute (HI), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), and Maastricht University (UM).

Full professors can be eligible for sabbatical visits.

What can be covered:

  • Visit (sabbatical) at institution with relevant or complimentary expertise (domestic/abroad)
  • Technical support/data analysis
  • Research equipment (currently not available at institution and which cannot be covered by regular research funds)
  • Invitation of researcher to spend time at MDR-affiliated institution

Monetary amount available per grant:

Up to 20.000 €. Up to two grants will be awarded in 2019.

When to apply?

For 2019, the call for proposals opens on February 1st. Application deadline is March 31st, 2019. The next application cycle will be in early 2020.

How to apply?

The following documents must be submitted with your application (in .pdf format):

  • A short proposal outlined as follows:
  1. Cover page – Please add one page including project title, applicant’s name, affiliation, email, and brief abstract (max 100 words)
  2. Main proposal of max. 4 pages (min. font size 11, Arial, single line spacing), excluding references. Additional figures and tables can be placed in an Appendix. The proposal should be structured as follows: 1) Background 2) Specific Aims 3) Methods 4) Detailed explanation of the exceptionally innovative nature of the proposal 5) Description of benefits for applicant’s career 6) Budget and timeline
  • CV including list of publications
  • One letter of recommendation
  • In the case of scientific exchange, a statement of support from the intended host institution

Please submit your application by email to

Proposal evaluation:

The proposals will be evaluated by at least two reviewers. The final decision will be made by the MDR board. Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance of proposal to scientist’s development and MDR scope
  • Creativity: Thinking outside the box!
  • Scientific quality of proposal: Clear specific aims and appropriate study design
  • Excellence of applicant
  • Evidence of collaboration with another MDR institution is a plus

Applicants will be notified about proposal selection by June 15th 2019.

Selected projects should be executed within a year after approval. Awardees are expected to (1) give a short presentation at the MDR annual meeting and (2) write a short report and financial justification within 3 months after the end of the project.