MDR Colloquium October 2023
During the MDR Colloquium MDR researchers will share their latest findings and outcomes to the rest of the consortium and ISAB members. Every month one junior and one senior researcher will take the floor to show their work and get feedback.
You can join the meeting via the Outlook invitation you received.
The MDR October colloquium will be on Wednesday October 18th from 4:00 pm-5:00pm (CET), online via TEAMS.
During this colloquium we will have 2 speakers:
Dr. Tommaso Ristori – Eindhoven University of Technology – “Computational Modelling of Angiogenesis”
Tommaso Ristori is a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the Biomedical Engineering Department. After receiving a joint MSc degree in Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering from the University of Florence (Italy) and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), he completed a PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e, the Netherlands), with a thesis focused on the computational analysis of cell-mediated collagen remodeling. Tommaso is now performing research in the field of computational modeling of angiogenesis for tissue engineering applications.
Anne-Floor de Kanter – University Medical Center Utrecht – “How Smart are Smart Materials? A Conceptual and Ethical Analysis of Smart Lifelike Materials for the Design of Regenerative Valve Implants?
Anne-Floor de Kanter is a PhD candidate at the Bioethics & Health Humanities department of the UMC Utrecht. She holds a BA and MSc in Life Science & Technology (LEI & TU/d) and a MA Applied Ethics (UU). Her current research is on the ethical aspects of Regenerative Medicine and particularly regenerative valve implants. In her research she focusses on the lived embodied experience of people who will be living with regenerative implants, and the requirements for inclusive design of such implants. She is also interested in crossover between ethics, (open) science and art, and is currently collaborating with artist Bertrand Burgers on a project called Intimate Implant.
Moderator: Mattia Manenti