MDR Colloquium – May
During the MDR Colloquium MDR researchers will share their latest findings and outcomes to the rest of the consortium and ISAB members. Every month one junior and one senior researcher will take the floor to show their work and get feedback. You can find the complete program here.
You can join the meeting via the Outlook invitation you received.
In May the MDR Colloquium will take place on the 12th at 16:00h (CET), see the invitation here.
Moniek Schmitz – Eindhoven University of Technology – “Merging Modular Molecular Design with High Through-Put Screening of Supramolecular Biomaterials”
Moniek Schmitz obtained a bachelor and master degree in Biomedical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology. She graduated in the group of Patricia Dankers were she subsequently continued as a PhD candidate. In her project she focuses on developing a multi-functional supramolecular biomaterial with both antimicrobial and regenerative activity to tackle biomaterial-associated infections. Therefore she also works on new antimicrobial strategies to combat multidrug-resistant bacterial strains. This project is performed in close collaboration with the group of Bas Zaat at Amsterdam UMC – location AMC.
Dr. Stefan Giselbrecht – MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine – “Taming self-organization: A materials-driven approach to engineer stem cell-derived kidney constructs”
Stefan Giselbrecht joined the MERLN Institute in 2014. He is particularly interested in developing innovative microengineered/-fluidic systems to create complex artificial microenvironments for 3D stem cell-based models. He is co-inventor of the SMART-technology (Substrate Modification And Replication by Thermoforming) and has a long-term expertise in developing film-based biomedical microdevices for 3D cell culture applications.
Moderator: Merle Maas-Krebber