MDR Colloquium March 2023
During the MDR Colloquium MDR researchers will share their latest findings and outcomes to the rest of the consortium and ISAB members. Every month one junior and one senior researcher will take the floor to show their work and get feedback.
You can join the meeting via the Outlook invitation you received.
In March the MDR Colloquium will take place on the 8th at 16:00h (CET).
During this colloquium we will host 2 MDR researchers:
- Vivian Nguyen – University Medical Center Utrecht – “Kidney-on-a-chip models to study human renal (patho-) physiology: a systematic review”
Vivian VT Nguyen is a four-year PhD student at the Dept. Nephrology and Hypertension, UMC Utrecht. Her PhD research focuses intensively on the development of multi-organ-on-a-chip models or alternative in vitro platforms to mimic more accurately the pathophysiology of kidney injury related disease. Such platforms might eventually attribute to replace, refine, reduce the use of animals in scientific experiments.

Nederland, Eindhoven, 05-10-2021; Serie portretten van hoogleraren en onderzoekers, tbv van de websites en database.
Fotografie Vincent van den Hoogen
- Dr. Mohammad Rezaeimoghaddam – Eindhoven University of Technology – “Prediction of thrombus formation in arterial stent”
I obtained my PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey in 2019. I worked on pre-surgical planning and cardiovascular fluid mechanics during my PhD and as a postdoc at Koc University in Istanbul. In 2020, I joined the cardiovascular biomechanics group at Eindhoven University of Technology and worked with Prof. Frans van de Vosse. My role was to develop a blood clot model that can predict thrombus formation in the ex-vivo heart setup. Currently, I am a postdoc working in the MDR enabling technologies platform under the supervision of Prof. Carlijn Bouten and Dr. Sandra Loerakker. In the MDR platform, I aim to develop mechanistic models to support different MDR projects while my main focus is on blood contact region, particularly the effect of wall shear stress on regeneration. My presentation is part of a side project exploring the modeling of coagulation, as well as cardiac growth and remodeling (future work), in stents.
- Moderator: Hannah Brouwer
Please find here the invitation for the MDR Colloquium of March and the scientific abstracts of the speakers.
MDR colloquium poster March 2023
MDR colloquium poster March 2023