
MDR Colloquium January 2022

During the MDR Colloquium MDR researchers will share their latest findings and outcomes to the rest of the consortium and ISAB members. Every month one junior and one senior researcher will take the floor to show their work and get feedback.

You can join the meeting via the Outlook invitation you received.

In January the MDR Colloquium will take place on the 12th at 16:00h (CET).

During this colloquium we will host 2 MDR researchers:

  • Lei He – MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine – “Establishment of Selenium-incorporated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles (MSNs) Modified Bio-scaffolds for Treating Bone Defects Caused by Osteosarcoma”After Lei finished a Bachelor’s from Sichuan University and a Master’s from Southwest Jiaotong University both in Biomedical Engineering in China where his work focused on establishing bioinorganics (i.e. Calcium phosphate) on bone defect regeneration involving incorporation of ions, he came to the Netherlands and began his PhD project in Maastricht University, MERLN in March 2020.

    In the PhD project, Lei is starting to investigate how to treat bone defects caused by cancer (osteosarcoma) in bone tissue. He plans to build a bifunctional composite combining anti-ion incorporated cancer agents and scaffolds to fulfill both cancer cleanness and tissue regeneration. In addition, he is also interested in exploring the microenvironment, mechanism of osteosarcoma and the techniques of curing osteosarcoma by immunotherapy

  • Dr. Sandra Hofmann – Eindhoven University of Technology  – “Challenges in studying cellular interactions in in vitro co-cultures”

Sandra Hofmann obtained her MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Basel, Switzerland in 2002. She is an Associate Professor heading the Bioengineering Bone group at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Her research applies 3D in vitro or ex vivo models to visualise and understand how the cells react to environmental/influential parameters (chemical, mechanical) and with each other. The goal is to develop cell-based, functional 3D in vitro models of human bone to study cell physiology, pathology and regeneration. Sandra Hofmann is a member of the Eindhoven Young Academy of Engineering, board member of the Centre for Unusual Collaborations and a council member of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS-EU). She is on the editorial board of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology and acts as reviewer for >12 journals and >10 funding agencies. Her work was published in >65 peer-reviewed publications, 4 book chapters and her work has been cited over 4500 times with a H-index of 29 (Publons). Among others, Sandra Hofmann has obtained several personal grants and has participated in both large-scale as well as smaller collaborative research projects within Europe and the Netherlands.


Please find here the invitation for the MDR Colloquium of December.