
MDR Annual Meeting 2018

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Theater aan de Parade
‘s Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

The MDR Annual Meeting brings together faculty, PhD students, and postdocs working in the participating groups of the MDR Research Center to share the latest developments and breakthroughs of their research. The aim of this event is to stimulate discussion and interaction between members of the MDR groups, with the intention to further strengthen the collaborations and joined efforts leading to outstanding research.

Meeting schedule

From 09:30          Registration, coffee and tea, install poster
10:00 – 10:05    Opening meeting and general introduction by Carlijn Bouten
10:05 – 11:25    Session 1

Moderated by Marianne Verhaar


Hans Clevers – Hubrecht Institute
‘New approaches to organoid culturing’


Aurélie Carlier – MERLN
‘Computational tools to study biological processes in tissue regeneration and biomaterial interactions’


Nicholas Kurniawan – TU/e
‘Bottom up reconstitution of regenerative processes’


Caroline Cheng – RMU
‘Future plans in designing complex vascular grafts’

11:25 – 11:45    Coffee break
11:45 – 12:30    Keynote Lecture by prof. Katarina Le Blanc

‘Bringing Mesenchymal Stem Cells into the Clinic’

12:30 – 13:45    Lunch and poster session
13:45 – 15:35    Session 2

Moderated by Pamela Habibovic


Pamela Habibovic-MERLN
Introduction to MDR Young Talent Program


Anat Akiva– TU/e
‘Development of an imaging and spectroscopic toolbox to investigate the molecular details of collagen mineralization’


Stefan Giselbrecht – MERLN
‘New microfluidic tools to coordinate stem cell-based in vitro models’


Marijn Peters – UMCU
‘Follistatin like-1 to repair the heart’


Ronald van Gaal – TU/e
‘Designing cell-material interactions into synthetic supramolecular materials’


3 Rapid Fire talks

Fjodor Yousef Yengej – RMU
‘Kidney organoids’

Silvia Varela – TU/e
‘Benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide-based supramolecular assemblies in water: from molecular understanding to bioapplications’

Francesca Giacomini – MERLN
‘Microfluidic collagen alignment for hard-to-soft tissue interface regeneration’


15:35 – 16:00    Afternoon break
16:00 – 17:35    Science Session 3

Moderated by Leda Klouda


Carlos Mota – MERLN
‘Bioprinting strategies for tissues and organs’


Johanna Melke – TU/e
‘The effect of fetal bovine serum on 3D tissue engineered bone formation’


Sabine van Rijt – MERLN
‘Multifunctional nanoparticles to enhance regenerative approaches’


Miguel Dias Castilho – RMU
‘Advanced tissue manufacturing strategies and applications in soft tissue repair’


3 Rapid Fire talks
Yonggang Zhang – MERLN
‘Development of load-bearing osteoinductive bone graft substitutes’

Carl Schuurmans – RMU
‘Complexation based protein precipitation into hydrogels’

Dylan Mostert – TU/e
‘Restoring cardiac organization’

17:35 – 19:30    Dinner, drinks and poster session
19:30                      End

The MDR board meeting will take place prior to the meeting (09:00 – 09:30) in a separate room.


The program is available for download as a pdf.


Poster Session
All PhD students and postdocs are invited to present a poster during the poster session after the dinner. Poster boards will be available.

Travel and directions to the venue
Navigation address: Parade 23, 5211 KL, ‘s-Hertogenbosch
By train:
Utrecht station: 08.33 am from platform 18 or 08.44 am from platform 18
Maastricht station: 07.31 am from platform 2 or 07.40 am from platform 4b
Eindhoven station: 08.47 am from platform 6 or 08.57 am from platform 5
Theater aan de Parade is at walking distance from ‘s-Hertogenbosch train station, which will take +/- 15 minutes. Please find the directions here.   

(Check the exact schedule at

Registration is now closed. 

If you need to change your registration details or have any question, please send an email to