Introduction to image analysis with CellProfiler virtual workshop

Prof. Jan de Boer (TU/e) will organize a workshop about CellProfiler. Check out the details and how to register below.
Introduction to image analysis with CellProfiler virtual workshop
Learn to turn bioimages into data using the free, open source software CellProfiler ( This interactive virtual workshop will focus on understanding how to adapt CellProfiler pipelines and module settings to new datasets. Ideal for image analysis beginners from any training stage who hope to quantitatively analyze their own microscopy images in the future. College students and early graduate students will be prioritized when selecting participants, but all are welcome.
The workshop will be held on June 24, 2021 from 1300 U.T.C. to 1700 U.T.C. You will need a laptop, an internet connection for Zoom and to complete approximately 90 minutes of work before the course.
If you’re interested, please fill out this form by May 15, 2021.