e/MTIC webinar: ‘Artificial Intelligence for Clinical Applications’

This webinar is an initiative by e/MTIC (Eindhoven MedTech Innovation Center) and organized by SMPE/e (School of Medical Physics and Engineering).
Target group
Clinicians, but also others are welcome to join.
This webinar will give an introduction to clinicians on Artificial Intelligence.
- The first part of the webinar will deal with what AI is, how it actually works, and what the present status is.
- The second part will show how it will be used in practice; with examples, both good and bad, from healthcare and other fields.
Misconceptions on AI will also be discussed: what will it (most likely) not bring?
There will be room for questions from the audience.
About the speaker
Milan Petković is a Full professor at TU/e and Head of Data Science Department at Philips Research, with expertise in Security, Privacy and Trust in Modern Data Management. He is also Vice President at BVDA (Big Data Value Association).
Click here for registration.
The course language will be English.