
July 25, 2023

NWO ENW-XS grant for MDR researchers Marijn Peters, and Aref Saberi & Nicholas Kurniawan

The NWO Science Domain Board has awarded the NWO Open Competition ENW-XS grant to Marijn Peters (on July 23rd, 2023) and Aref Saberi & Nicholas Kurniawan (on June 1st, 2023).

Aref Saberi, Nicholas Kurniawan and Carlijn Bouten will work together with Professor Miriam Goodman of Stanford University, on the project titled: “A multiscale study of the role of tissue mechanics in ultrasound-induced neuromodulation”. Read more about the project on the website of NWO.

Marijn Peters and Carlijn Bouten join forces with Bram van Wijk (UMCU) for their project entitled “Reducing immunogenicity through bioengineering of human donor heart valves.” Read more about the project on the website of NWO.

Congratulations to both research teams!

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