
December 2, 2022

Interview MDR PhD student: Roos van Hoffe

Hi everyone! My name is Roos van Hoffe. I recently started as a PhD candidate in the Biomedical Materials & Chemistry group under the supervision of Patricia Dankers. My research will be focused on the addition of complex feedback mechanisms in synthetic materials to mimic the dynamicity between the natural ECM and cells. Before starting my PhD, I studied Biomedical Engineering here at the TU/e. For my master thesis, I focused on drug delivery from supramolecular hydrogels under the supervision of Patricia Dankers. MDR got my attention already at an “open day” back in 2015, which the TU/e gives as an orientation to future bachelor students. For the study biomedical engineering there was a presentation about the heart valve regeneration. This talk inspired me to investigate how we can use materials to guide cell fate.

In my PhD I’ll try to use the materials to guide cell fate, but also use the cells to steer the material properties. I’ll be using UPy-based materials, which can be changed in dynamics, mechanical properties as well as bioactivity. I’ll investigate the effect of the different material formulations on induced pluripotent stem cells, and see how we can use material formulation to drive the cell fate. I’ll also be working on the incorporation of coacervates in UPy-hydrogels with Yiğitcan to examine if these can be used as an additional drug depot.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, play the piano and go outdoors for a walk with my dog. I also enjoy to spend time in the kitchen. I’m looking forward to meet all of you!

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