MDR Incentive 2019 winner Anne Metje van Genderen published her work in Biofabrication
Every year we award talented young researchers with the MDR Young Talent Incentives awards. This gives them the opportunity to do something extra in their research, for example visit a lab abroad. In 2019 Anne Metje van Genderen and Carl Schuurmans from Utrecht University were awarded with one of the MDR Incentives and visited the Zhang lab at Harvard Medical School & Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
As a result, a beautiful paper was published on the use of 3D printing to make tubes that closely mimic living kidney tubes. In the last few months, this work was awarded with several poster prizes.
Congratulations to you and the team (Roos Masereeuw, Tina Vermonden, Silvia Mihăilă, and colleagues) with this great work!
>> Scientific publication Biofabrication
>> University Utrecht news item