Webinar “How to become a tissue engineer”
A career in tissue engineering requires ambition, persistence, curiosity and a fair amount of nice coincidences. You’ve made a good start with MDR, but how to fully develop your career? Should you have a plan all worked out beforehand or do you make your choices along the way?
The webinar with Q&A will held on February 4th 2020 from 2.30 p.m. tot 3.30 p.m. CET. Both interviewees are esteemed faculty members in MDR:
- Sandra Hofmann (@sanhofma), Associate Professor in Bioengineering Bone at the Orthopaedic Biomechanics research group TU/e.
- Anthal Smits (@AnthalSmits), Assistant Professor in ImmunoRegeneration at the Soft Tissue Engineering and Mechanolobiology research group at TU/e.
The event, with Q&A, will be accessible for everyone who has registered using the registration form. More information is available at the webinar web page. Registration closes on February 2nd.