
January 27, 2020

Webinar “How to become a tissue engineer”

A career in tissue engineering requires ambition, persistence, curiosity and a fair amount of nice coincidences. You’ve made a good start with MDR, but how to fully develop your career? Should you have a plan all worked out beforehand or do you make your choices along the way?

The webinar with Q&A will held on February 4th 2020 from 2.30 p.m. tot 3.30 p.m. CET. Both interviewees are esteemed faculty members in MDR:

  • Sandra Hofmann (@sanhofma), Associate Professor in Bioengineering Bone at the Orthopaedic Biomechanics research group TU/e.
  • Anthal Smits (@AnthalSmits), Assistant Professor in ImmunoRegeneration at the Soft Tissue Engineering and Mechanolobiology research group at TU/e.

The event, with Q&A, will be accessible for everyone who has registered using the registration form. More information is available at the webinar web page. Registration closes on February 2nd.


This event has passed, the webinar can be found online.

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