
December 11, 2018

Universiteit van Nederland on ‘Mighty Materials’ with Carlijn Bouten

On Januari 23rd, five lectures for ‘Universiteit van Nederland’[1] will be recorded in Club Air, Amsterdam. The day’s theme of ‘Machtige Materialen’ is very close to the heart of the MDR program, with three of the lectures focusing around artificial organs, surface activated implants and biomimicry in materials research.

MDR program lead Carlijn Bouten will give a lecture on using synthetic materials to produce living heart valves in the body. The event is open to the public; use the code below to get a 50% reduction on the ticket price.

Date and time: January 23rd, 2019, 20:00h
Location: Club Air, Amsterdam
Reduced entrance fee: € 5,- (use code TUEINDHOVEN ) 
All lectures will be in Dutch

[1] Universiteit van Nederland: A Dutch non profit platform bringing lectures by the best scientists to the web, TV and radio. Currently about 600 lectures are on-line, for a total of 40 million views.
One of these lectures, “Hoe kan plastic jouw leven redden?” was given by Patricia Dankers, a TU/e professor involved in MDR, last year.

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